Status: Active
The Breadboarduino Step 1 of 5
Ever had an extra ATmega328p sitting around that isn't already sitting in an arduino? (I know, you probably don't)
Run out of Arduinos and think, huh, a new Arduino is wwwwaaaaayyyyyyy too expensive? (I know, you've probably never thought that)
Ever had a hankering to truly understand how dead simple an Arduino actually is? (I know, you've never had this hankering)
Every wanted to use an Arduino without the clunky PCB and headers or want to design an ATmega328p into your own PCB designs? (I know, this is probably why you're here)
I think if you've managed to find this page then you have your own solid reasoning behind building your own Arduino on a breadboard.
Either way follow along as we set up this Arduino clone on a breadboard and spend $.30 less than an Uno R3 from Tayda Kits to have a non USB compatible Arduino!
The cost of this breaded boarded arduino without the Serial Converter and Breadboard is approximately $4.69 from Tayda, while the Arduino Uno R3 clone is only $4.99. Neither of which qualify for the Tayda minimum order of 5 bucks. So it seems as if it is a wash.
This project is super enlightening and can help you move past writing sketch to use the true potential of an ATmega328P so follow along as we get the Breadboarduino up and running!
Benefits of breadboarding an Arduino:
1. If you are programming many ATmegas you can use the same breadboard to program a plethora of ATmegas and then attach them to your plethora of circuits.
2. If you actually want to explore the other capabilities of the ATmega series chips you are more easily able to explore those options on a breadboard.
3. You can truly understand the inner workings of an Arduino. Rather than just buying the board.
Drawbacks of breadboarding an Arduino:
1. Its a little time consuming.
2. Uploading sketches is not quite as easy.
3. If you don't buy ATmega328P's with the Arduino Bootloader already burnt, you will have to burn the bootloader yourself. (Though this is easily done if you have another Arduino sitting around. )
This Tayda Kits is compatible with either the ATmega328P and the ATmega168P. I use the 328P version here but the 168P is a drop in replacement for the 328P. The only differences are the 328P has more memory available for larger sketchs. Also if you're into hacking, you can generally overclock the 328P with a 20MHz crystal instead of the traditional 16MHz crystal.
The venerable, the honorable, the chip that makes everyone think they can program in C, C++, or Assembly, THE ATmega328P: