Canon DSLR Intervalometer
Bluetooth controlled intervalometer for doing time lapse photography with your canon DSLR.Steps
Created by Breandan P O'Shaughnessy
Status: Active
Status: Active
Adding the HC-06 Bluetooth Transceiver Step 6 of 7
Put your HC-06 module in the breadboard as shown.
Connect the VCC pin to the positive rail, and the GND pin to the ground rail.
Now connect the RX pin of the HC-06 to the TX pin of the Arduino. Then connect the TX pin of the HC-06 to the RX pin of the arduino.
Note: The HC-06 is actually a 3.3 V device, so it's recommended by many to not directly connect to the arduino, but I've tried it both ways and never had a problem. If you want to shift the level down, you can connect the TX pin of the arduino to the HC-06 through a voltage divider made up of a 1K and 2K resistor.