Tayda Electronics Instruction Center

Tayda Electronics Kits

Instructions for the Electronics Kits sold at the Tayda Electronics store.

DIY Projects

Projects for everyday life. From strobe lights and hobby accessories to led matrices and musical projects. Outlined instructions with options to create and modify each project.

Learning Projects

Help on basic circuits and electronics concepts.

Arduino Projects

All projects and kits that incorporate Arduino development boards and code set in their configuration.

DIY Guitar Effects

Pedals, effects and other cool projects related to guitar effects


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Popular Instructions


OD Eleven

The OD Eleven provides a classic transparent overdrive perfect to drive a tube amplifier.

Red Llama

The Red Llama is a very versatile and easy to build pedal. With just few components and two knobs, it delivers great overdrive and distortion.

Fuzz Factory

The Fuzz Factory is a five-knob fuzz pedal with huge range of sound possibilities. This is classic DIY pedal project that can be built with either germanium or silicon transistors.