Making holes in aluminium enclosures.
Can anyone give tips on how to drill doles in the aluminum enclosures spld by Tayda? (e.g. and
I don't have any tools and I've long forgotten drilling I did in my past.
Drilling is the best way to pierce through the aluminum enclosures but you can also hand bore them.
There area number of good videos on this:
If you do not have access to drill and find hand boring way to time-consuming (it is very arduous) I would consider getting the plastic enclosure Tayda sells and using a sharp razor knife and regular drill bits to bore through it.
Hope this helps. Good luck
Two key parts of the process are centerpunching then drilling a pilot hole. These steps make sure that your hole will be in the location you wanted it to be.
Drills will walk a little when you start them, and the bigger they are the worse the tendency is.
Lay out all of your holes, punch the centers, then use a 3/16" inch drill bit to put pilots in them.